HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINE FOR METRORRHAGIA OR INTER MENSTRUAL BLEEDING . WHAT IS METRORRHAGIA ? By Definition it is a defined as acyclic , irregular bleeding from Uterus . Its Affect at any age group female but mostly seen in above 35 + age group and menopausal women . CAUSES OF METRORRHAGIA ● DUB -usually during adolescence, following Childbirth and abortion and preceding menopause ● Submucous fibroid ● Uterine polyp ● Carcinoma cervix ● Mucous polyp of cervix ● Cervical endometriosis . HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINE FOR METRORRHAGIA. ➡HOMEOPATHY is a science of medicine which is spreading rapidly and many patients are shifting from other modes of treatment to Homeopathy. As it is safe to use and it has no side effects and it remove disease from its whole extent , suppression is never seen in Homeopathy mode of treatment . ➡In Homeopathy , remedy are selected on basis of individualality , and every remedies has it own sphere of actions on individuals . ...
All About Homeopathy is a platform where reader will find about Homeopathy Management in various diseases and how Homeopathy helps in treating the patient . Shifting to Homeopathy is best choice in chronic diseases as well as acute diseases .