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Showing posts from July, 2018


Quiz Homeopathy Materia Medica 2 Thick ,yellow coating at base of tongue ??? In which medicine ? Kali bi Mercurius sol Nat sulp Mercurius proto- iodatus Bag like swelling between upper eyelids and eyebrows ?? In which medicine Iodum Kali carb Kali sulp Sulphur Sight or sound of running water or pouring water aggravates all complaints . Lyssinum Lycopodium Cuprum Met Non of Above Feels light as if floating in the air ?? In which remedy Lac can Valeriana Vaccinum Petroleum Violent colic sensation as if abdominal wall was drawn as if string to spine ? Cuprum met Colocynth Plumbum Met Non of Above Sensation of sand in the eyes ?? China Nux vomica Belladonna Pulsatilla Habitual abortion at 3rd month ?? Sabina Sympytum Sepia Sambucus Nigra No pain with most complaints , painlessness is characteristic Stram Opium Both a n b Non of Above Click below link for your performance, Press RESULT BUTTON BELLOW


CLINICAL CASE #3 [ PLANTAR KERATOSIS ] Plantar Keratosis It is a condition in which there is Painful lesion about 1cm thick at plantar aspect of the forefoot . TWO TYPES  * DISCRETE * DIFFUSE DISCRETE : In this it is localised at one part particular area , separately in appearance . DIFFUSE : In this case it is spread over a wide area covering more surface area . SIGN & SYMPTOMS  ★PAINFUL LESION  which makes difficulty in walking ★ ITCHING  ON AFFECTED AREA . ★ Dry thickened Skin surface . ★ Difficulty in walking . ★ Scaly appearance . Diagnostic and Conventional Treatment  ● It is self diagnostic and Conventional line of treatment will be use of local application to soften the affected part , Antihistamin for Itching . ● Cleaning of the affected parts . ● Proper Shoes for regular use . Case . Patient came with the complaint of thickening of skin at the arch of foot , He show the affected part and started conversa...


DR HAHNEMANN - BIOGRAPHY BORN : 10 APRIL 1755     DIED : 2 JULY, 1843 Today is the Birth Anniversary of our Great Master. In regards to this I will highlight some important things about Dr Samuel Hahnemann . ★ Born on 10 April 1775 , at Meissen ,in Saxony of Germany . ★ 3rd Child of a Porcelain Painter . ★ His Father And Mother taught him how to read and write ★ Admitted to Prince's School Magister Muller , where he learn different languages specially German composition . ★ As Father is poor and could not support financially , so he took away him so that he can do some business work , but his teacher supported him and he completed his school studies . ★ At 20 , he left for Leipsic for higher studies in MEDICINE , as financially he is poor so to earn bread and butter he started teaching Franch and Germany and translating books to different languages , soon he become master of different languages . ★ Liepsic he went to Vienna where advantage of medical stu...