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Showing posts from September, 2018


TOP 4 HOMEOPATHIC REMEDY FOR SCABIES - ALL ABOUT SCABIES   Now a day SKIN INFECTION is almost a disaster disease and people are very much afraid of it . Every now and then they are spreading in huge population without any proper control on it . So today I will highlight few disease aspect of SCABIES and Top 4 Homeopathic remedy for scabies to be used in .  WHAT IS SCABIES ? It is a skin infection or disease caused by Mite Sarcoptes scabies var horminis . ( Sarcoptes scabies is a parasitic that present all over the world , not only human but animals are also affected ) If untreated they can live upto 4- 5 weeks .  Can affects any group age but Children are more prone to it .  MODE OF TRANSMISSION FOR SCABIES   This disease are highly Contagious and can spread from person to person .  Direct contact with the affected ones .  They can also be spread from clothes and bedding .  PATHOGENESIS...


LIPOMA AND ITS HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES - ALL ABOUT HOMEOPATHY Some individuals in their lifetime had an overgrowth on their body . Not all swelling will be lipoma but majority it is lipoma . We should always keep in mind in differential diagnosis of swelling . Which sometimes painful or painless . So today we will see about Lipoma WHAT IS LIPOMA ? ITSCOMMONEST SITE ?  VARITIES OF LIPOMA ?  CLINICAL EXAMINATION FOR LIPOMA? HOMEOPATHY FOR LIPOMA . WHAT IS LIPOMA ?  It is a soft lump or swelling beneath the skin and the underlying muscles or tissue . Commonest and benign tumours .( Harmless tumours ) It composed of fat cells Also called universal tumour as it can occur at any place in body . COMMON SITE FOR LIPOMA  *  LIMBS ( UPPER LIMBS AND LOWER LIMBS ) * TRUNKS ( CHEST REGION ) * NAPE OF NECK . VARITIES OF LIPOMA ( TYPES OF LIPOMA )  1 .SUBCUTANEOUS LIPOMA . 2 .DIFFUSE LIPOMA . 3 .MULTIPLE ...


HOMEOPATHY QUIZ Complaints appears diagonally upper left and lower right side ? Ant tart Agaricus M Stram Brom Sensation as if stool will pass when passing flatus ? Ratania ,nitric acid , aloes Alumina , cannabis sativa , cantharis Aloes , nat m , Mur ac None of above Chocking in swallowing things goes down wrong way ... Aconite Cannabis indica Baptisia Cannabis sativa Dread of downward motion in nearly all complaints Borax Bismuth Condurango None of Above Vertigo sensation as if head become suddenly elongated at night with urging to urinate Hyoscymus Hypericum Perforatum Sangunaria Belladonna In the last stage of any disease with copious cold sweat , cold breath , cold tongue , voice lost Verat Album Carbo animalis Arsenic album Carbo veg Desire solitude inorder to perform masturbation Bufo Caladium Agnus cactus Staphysagaria Sensation as if accident would happen Mag Mur Mag carb Baryta carb Phosphorus Constant pain u...


BOIL (FURUNCLE) , ITS CAUSE , SITE , CLINICAL FEATURES , COMPLICATION , HOMEOPATHIC  TREATMENT .  Today's topic is related to skin problems and its one of the problem which every individual had suffer in his lifetime and are well aware of it . In some cases , we see there is a recurrent history of boil in individual , one come and goes other start growing in same place or different place . In some cases it take long time to heal . In today's post I will highlight some point on its cause , where it appear more , what are the clinical features and its complication and lastly the line of treatment. WHAT IS BOIL  ?  Boil It is PAINFUL pus filled cavity beneath skin surface infected by organism. By definition it is a acute staphylococcal infection of hair follicles with perifolliculitis. Such infections proceeds to suppuration and central necrosis . Boil is also known as FURUNCLE . WHAT CAUSES BOILS ?  Organism : Staphylococcal aureu...