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Showing posts from October, 2018


HOMEOPATHY QUIZ Horrible dreams of snakes and sexual gratification is found in which remedy ? Lachesis Naja Argentum Nitricum None of the above Intolerable itching at tip of coccyx must scratch till parts become raw & sore ? Bovista Hypericum Lobelia Calcarea In which drugs " Feeling of pins and needles at pit of stomach ? Abrotunum Chelidonium Nux vomica Taxus baccata Nausea better by Smoking Nux vomica Eugenia Jambos Opium Cannabis I Aversion to Alcohol is not found in Tuberculinum only Psorinum only Sulphur only All of above Child unable to hold up head is feature of Aethusa Cynapium only Abrotunum only Aethusa and abrotunum None of Above Marasmus of abrotanum is Marasmus of breast Marasmus of neck Marasmus of lower limbs Marasmus of whole body Pain at conclusion of urination Staphysagaria Berberis v Cantharis Sarsaparilla Ill effect of stryehninum is neutralised by Eucalyptus Tucrium M V Valeriana Non...


ECZEMA AND ITS HOMEOPATHY REMEDY - ALL ABOUT HOMEOPATHY WHAT IS ECZEMA ? Eczema and dermatitis are synonymous . It is a skin condition in which the skin appears red in colour and there is severe icting . It is inflammatory response of the skin to both exogenous and endogenous agents . In Eczema , part of skin become inflamed , itchy , red , and rough and sometimes it turns to be scally skin . ETIOLOGY FOR ECZEMA  AGE GROUP : Children are more prone but it occurs at any age group . SEXES : Both sexes are involved . LOCATION : Every regions are affected . WHAT ARE CLINICAL SYMPTOMS OF ECZEMA ▶ Dry Skin Surface . ▶Redness on affected part ▶Itching , severe at night . ▶Eruptions which contains fluids and its burst opening after scratching. ▶In Severe case , scaly skin surface and thickening of the affected part of skin . ARE ECZEMA CONTAGIOUS ? NO They are  not contagious , not spread through physical contact . ECZEMA TY...


PSORIASIS AND ITS HOMEOPATHIC REMEDY - ALL ABOUT HOMEOPATHY WHAT IS PSORIASIS ?  Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder. Characterised by well circumscribed area of thick , red , scaly skin and round plagues covered by silvery scales . It is an autoimmune disorder in which the person own body cells destroy the skin cells and cause skin to shed . Psoriasis is also associated with other diseases like diabetes , heart problems , Crohn's disease . INCIDENCE RATE OF PSORIASIS  It affect 1 to 2 % of the population.  Commmon in 2nd to 4th decade of life . ( Age 20 to 40 )  Both sexes are involved .  Can be present right after the birth or old age.  About 1/3 rd of the patient gives history of psoriasis running in the family. WHAT CAUSE PSORIASIS ? 1 UNKNOWN OR IATROGENIC CAUSE 2 GENTIC OR HERIDITARY : Some time we             used to get history that the disease...


HOMEOPATHY QUIZ Severe dull backache in lumbo sacral articulation ,...... Rhus tox Aesculus hippocastanum Bryonia Actea spicata Intolerance of milk cannot tolerate milk in any form it is vomitted in large curds Lac can Lac def Aethusa cynapium Antimonium crudum Presence of others even the nurse is unbearable during stool Ambra grisea Chamomilla Rheum Alumina Cholera like symptoms at the commencement of menstruation . Ignatia Nat mur Ammonium mur Ammonium carb A thick milky white coating on the tongue is red strand of the remedy Aethusa cynapium Cina Chamomilla Rheum Sore , lame , bruised feeling all through the body as if beaten . Arsenic Baptisia Arnica Sulphur Diarrhoea before menses is feature of ? Arsenic Croton tig Podophyllum Ammonium carb Which of remedy is known as Aconite of Chronic disease ? Sulphur Alumina Thuja Non of Above Menstrual bleeding worst at night is found in ______ Ammonium mur Bovista Pulsatilla...