HOMEOPATHY FOR MELASMA - ALL ABOUT HOMEOPATHY . Are You facing problem with discoloration on face , and you feel conscious and embarassed about it , Do not worry about it start with Homeopathy Treatment and it will start to disappear and you are free from patches . WHAT IS MELASMA ? WHO SUFFERS FROM MELASMA ? WHAT CAUSES MELASMA ? LOCATION FOR MELASMA . HOMEOPATHY TREATMENT FOR MELASMA WHAT IS MELASMA ? MELASMA is a skin condition in which there is brown or dark disclouration patches which is seen on face which is symmetrical in appearance , they are darker then the skin color . WHO SUFFER FROM MELASMA ? MELASMA is seen mostly in Women's then Male . 90% women's are affected with it that doesn't mean Men's are not affected . In many cases men's are also suffered from Melasma . Dark skinned individuals are more prone to Melasma . Age factors : 18 - 45 yrs peoples are m...
All About Homeopathy is a platform where reader will find about Homeopathy Management in various diseases and how Homeopathy helps in treating the patient . Shifting to Homeopathy is best choice in chronic diseases as well as acute diseases .