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12 Kent Observation

What is OBSERVATION ?? To observe or to closely monitor someone or somethings .

So what Physician should observe after the prescription is made is important rather then only prescribing and the work done is not the scene .

If Physician is not conversant with import of what he sees , he will undertake to do wrong things he will make wrong prescription.

The changes which start to appear after prescription the physician should know him well what is going on , is there is disappearance of symptoms , increase of symptoms , amelioration of symptoms , order of symptoms are chances from the remedy and these chances are to be studied.


Prolonged aggravation and final decline of the patient.

After first prescription , if this observation is found , the physician has to interpret that the case is incurable one .
We have treating a case with antipsoric which in turn acts as deep in this case and the patient deteriorate further

Here the vital reaction is impossible

So In incurable or doubtful cases give no higher then 30th or 200th potency


Long Aggravation, but final and slow improvement.

If after the doses , by end of few weeks, he is little better and symptoms are better .
In this case the pathology chances are not so advanced . Here vital reactivity is present and cure is possible after long aggravation but final and slow improvement which leads to proper cure .


Aggravation is Quick, Short and Strong with rapid Improvement of the Patient. 

If these situation is found after the dose of homoeopathic medicine , then u think the remedy is correct and the relieve or improvement of patient will be long .

Do not change the medicine , wait and watch policy should be applied .


No Aggravation with recovery of the patient 

In this case, the selection of remedy , dose , potency are suitable , No pathological changes present the disease is in functional level .
Its best seen in acute cases . Recovery of patient is seen .


Amelioration comes first and aggravation comes after 

Sometimes a sick patient has come and after well taken history the remedy is prescribed .
After administer a remedy , the patient comes back and say that he is very much improved by the remedy u had given to me , but at the end of week he came and say that the symptoms are worsen then the time when he came for first time .

Here 2 possibilities , either remedy was a superficial remedy and acts as palliative or
The patient was incurable and the remedy was somewhat suitable .


Too short relief of the symptoms

In this case, when there is too short relief of symptoms , the case should be re examine and the obstacle to cure should be found out .
In this case the patient may have done something to interrupt action of the remedy.

If such obstacles are not present in acute cases , its indicate high grade inflammatory condition which may interfere with prognosis and improvement of case .

If it seen in case of chronic ones , then its indicates that the pathology is set in and the prognosis would be bad .


Full time amelioration of symptom yet no special relief to patient

Its seen in latent conditions or latent existing organic conditions , the improvement is at certain degree .

Ex Patient with one kidney can only improve to a certain degree , the symptoms will be ameliorated from time to time with remedies but its up to certain degree beyond that is not possible .


Some patient Prove every remedy they get

In these patient are inclined to be hysterical , oversensitive to all things . They are said to be idiosyncrasy to everything and they are often incurable .

If u administered potency of higher dose and they will go on prove that medicine .


Actions of Medicine Upon provers 

Healthy provers are always benefited by provings , if properly done it is well to observe carefully the constitutional state of an individual about to become a proper, and to write these down and subtract them from proving .


New symptoms appears after the remedy

If after administration of remedy , new symptoms appears then the prescription Should be suspected .

It is better to inquire about new symptom first and then come to the conclusion . Some times patient may forget to tell u symptoms which he don't remember and can be recalled by attendee . So if its old symptoms then its ok, If not then antidote or change remedy


When old symptoms are observed to reappear .

Its quite a common thing for old symptoms to appear after aggravation has come,
Here symptoms disappear in reverse order . Those symptoms that are present subside and old symptoms keep coming up .

The patient is on road of recovery .

If old symptom stay then a repetition of dose is often necessary .


Symptoms takes wrong direction 

If we prescribe for rheumatism of knee and relief takes place at once but patient is taken down with violent internal distress that settles in region of heart ,

Here transformation has taken from circumference to center and it does not follow hearing law of cure

So here prognosis is poor

There is a great danger in selecting remedy on external symptoms alone I.e only on particular parts



He was born n brought up in New York (USA). He done his medical degree in electric system of medicine from Missouri.


●Year 1897 he published " The repertory of materia medica "

●Year 1900 he published " The lecture on homoeopathic philosophy"

●In 1905 he published "The lectures on homoepathic materia medica "

●His contribution to literature is remarkable

 ●"What doctors need to know ?" Is an another art by Dr Kent which guides physician about knowledge he must aquire

Here I conclude the topic Dr Kent 12 Observation .

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Dr Adnan Siddiqui


  1. Easily grasping information👌Better for quick revision👍

  2. actions of medicine upon provers.... what really kent want to say? need elaboration and clarification under 12 observation under him. in the book by asok kumar das say so. here dr. say so. but too short and we not quite undersatand. please.


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