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Showing posts from November, 2018


OBSTACLES TO CURE IN HOMEOPATHY TREATMENT - ALL ABOUT HOMEOPATHY  What does Obstacle means , it is an object which makes difficult for you to go where you want to go .  In simple terms it is something which stops the process in between its completion . For example If you want to go from Point A to Point B and in between there is some barrier so it prevent its course of completion , similarly we have to find that obstacle in course of cure for the patients .  Physician main purpose is to cure the sick , but there are some factors which prevent cure by obstructing effects of medicine prescribed .  So Physician has to know these factors which causes obstacles in path of cure and also he should know how to remove these obstacle in order to cure permanently .  1 . Exciting or Maintaining cause as a obstacle to cure .  From Dr Hahnemann times , Homeopath are more concern about finding the exciting cause which trigger the indiv...


HOMEOPATHY FOR ABSCESS - ALL ABOUT HOMEOPATHY WHAT IS ABSCESS ?  HOW ABSCESS FORM ? TYPES OF ABSCESS . SITE OF ABSCESS . CLINICAL FEATURES OF ABSCESS . INVESTIGATION FOR ABSCESS . HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE FOR ABSCESS . So let get started with today's topic . It is a normal conditions which we see often in our clinical practice .  WHAT IS ABSCESS ?   It is a painfull swelling or collection of pus in body beneath the skin or inside body that is organs Abscess can occur at anywhere in body . They are similar to boil but in boil they are limited to skin area and are small and painful Abscess are big and they goes deeper and deeper and thus involved larger area . Early stage of Abscess  HOW ABSCESS ARE FORMED ? Organism are basically involved in causing abscess , mainly Staphylococcal aureus . Organisms enter the body from outside through penetrating wounds , lymphatic channel , and blood stream and local exten...


HOMEOPATHY MATERIA MEDICA QUIZ  Neuritis from lacerated Wounds are found in ______ remedy Graphitis Ledum Pal Apis Melifica Hypericum Source of Lobelia Inflata Mineral Animal Plant Sarcodes Complete the following Nash trios of flatulence ( Carbo veg ,______, Lyco ) Nux vomica China Calc Sulphur Desire to be constantly fanned rapidly and from close distance Bovista Veratrum Carbo veg Lachesis Dulness , Dizziness , Drowsiness and Trembling are keynote of ? Acid phos Gelsemium Lycopus V Glonine Source of theridion is Cuban spider Orange spider White Cuban spider Spanish spider Retraction and sense of retraction is the keynote of ? Cicuta Gelsemium Plumbum Met Croton tig Putridity and acridity run through the whole remedy Baptisia Mercurius Kreosotum None of above Sensation as if head is enormously large as if skull where to small for brain and as if skull lifted Ignatia Belladonna Glonine Natrum Mur Head pain rel...


HOMEOPATHY FOR URTICARIA - ALL ABOUT HOMEOPATHY WHAT IS URTICARIA ?  URTICARIA is a localised or Generalised eruptions in which there is involvement of the superficial layer of skin and forming wheals due to endogenous or exogenous factors . Also known as Nettle Rash , Hives . Can occur at any part of the body or where the allergens come in contact with . AIETIOLOGY FOR URTICARIA  IgE dependent , in which person are sensitive to special type of antigen and which leads to cause urticaria Physical Agents : Environment (cold , hot ) , sting bite , trauma etc Foods : Particular foods cause it examples in some cases milk , milk products , eggs , crabs etc . Drugs : Some person after taking antibiotics ,painkiller may suffer from urticaria . Non immunology : serum sickness , after blood transfusion etc Idiopathic : CAUSE is unknown in many cases . CLINICAL FEATURES OF URTICARIA .  If urticaria is of less then 6 weeks then it is acute type I...


HOMEOPATHY FOR RINGWORMS / TINEA INFECTION - ALL ABOUT HOMEOPATHY Ringworm or Tinea Infection is one of the most contagious form of skin disease (fungal) which is spreading like a light speed .  In common they are called Fungal Infection. It is one of the most annoying form of skin infections which affects different parts of body .  Main concern of the patient is the Itching which is very violent and sometime bleeding may also occur . Moistness at the affected region is the key factor for the growth of the fungi which leads to growth of fungi and also the lesion . So Today we will get a brief idea about Ringworm / Tinea Infection / Fungal Infection .  ▶ WHAT IS RINGWORM / TINEA INFECTION ? ▶ HOW RINGWORM OCCUR ?  ▶ TYPES OF TINEA INFECTION . ▶ TREATMENT FOR RINGWORM / TINEA INFECTION . ▶ HOMEOPATHY FOR RINGWORM/ TINEA INFECTION. WHAT IS RINGWORM ? RINGWORM also known as Dermatophytosis or Tinea , is a fu...


HOMEOPATHY FOR GANGLION CYST - ALL ABOUT HOMEOPATHY. 1) WHAT IS GANGLION CYST ?  ➡ It is a non cancerous tiny tumors or cyst (Swelling) which is localised and mainly painless in origin .  ➡ Swelling is associated with tendon sheath or joint capsule .  ➡Cyst contains thick ,clear , jellylike fluid or clear gelatinous fluid covered with fibrous capsule .  2) HOW GANGLION CYST OCCURS ?  ➡ Cause is not clear yet some theory says that due to trauma bursa get distended and it leads to formation of ganglion .  ◼ (Small bursa are present abundantly at joint capsule or tendon sheath )  3) WHAT ARE COMMON SITE FOR GANGLION CYST ?  ➡Commonest site is Dorsum of wrist .  ➡Then comes front of the wrist joint . ➡Dorsum of foot . ➡Flexor aspect of fingers .  4) CLINICAL FEATURE OF GANGLION CYST . AGE FACTOR : 20 - 40 yrs are more prone .  SEX : Women are more affected then Me...


HOMEOPATHY FOR SEBACEOUS CYST - ALL ABOUT HOMEOPATHY. In today Post I will cover below said questions . So let get started . WHAT IS SEBACEOUS GLAND ?  WHAT IS SEBACEOUS CYST ?  HOW SEBACEOUS CYST FORM ?  SITE OF SEBACEOUS CYST . CLINICAL FEATURES OF SEBACEOUS CYST . TREATMENT FOR SEBACEOUS CYST . 1 ) WHAT IS SEBACEOUS GLAND  ?  It is found under the skin layer , which secrets sebum which in turn helps skin to be soft and oily . They are (Sebaceous Glands ducts ) mainly open ups into hair follicles and rarely directly on Skin . 2 ) WHAT IS SEBACEOUS CYST  ?  It is slow growing cyst , non cancerous tiny bump on to the skin which is painless until get infected . Also called epidermoid Cyst or Retention Cyst . 3)  HOW SEBACEOUS CYST FORM  ? Duct of the sebaceous gland gets blocked which in turn leads to accumulation of sebum and slowly the cyst is formed beneath the skin surface . The content of the g...