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It is a common encounter condition in gynaecological practise . Women's are more concern about the pain which they suffer during Menstruation . Having Antispasmodic is not going to help a lot . So today we are going to know more about Painful Menstruation or Dysmenorrhoea , its cause , types , varieties , Clinical Feature , Investigation , Conventional treatment and finally Homeopathy medicines for Dysmenorrhoea . 

In Layman Language , it is called Painful Menstruation , in Medical Language it is known as Dysmenorrhoea . 


 It is defined as Pain which is cramping in origin which is accompanied during period of Menstruation . 

Normally Mild or Moderate Pain is encounter by everyone , but in Dysmenorrhoea pain is severe which tends to incapacity to do day to day activities . 

Dysmenorrhoea And Homeopathy


There are Two types of Dysmenorrhoea

★ Primary Dysmenorrhoea 

★ Secondary Dysmenorrhoea 


 In this type , there is no obvious Pelvic Pathology , age group which are mainly involved is post  puberty between 18-25 , and always confined to ovulatory cycles . 

= Onset : after 2 year of Menarche

= Symptoms : Nausea , vomiting , headache , fatigue

= Pain Description : Cramping , hypogastrium , back , and inner thigh region

= No any Pelvic finding in USG

= Management with Antispasmodic , NSAIDs,OC pills in case of contraception .


In this type , there is presence of Pelvic Pathology such as Fibroids , Pelvic Inflammatory disease , Endometriosis , adenomycosis , which are responsible for pain during Menstruation . 

= Age : Mainly 20- 30 yrs women's are mostly involved .

= Symptoms : Menstrual disorder , dysperunia , infertility

= Pain are dull in Origin

= Pelvic finding will be positive

= Management depends on pelvic finding result .


There are 3 Clinical Types of Dysmenorrhoea

✩ Spasmodic Dysmenorrhoea 

✩ Congestive Dysmenorrhoea 

✩ Membranous Dysmenorrhoea 


This are the most common type of pain which is encounter by most women's , It is more severe on 1st and 2nd day of Menstruation . Pain are cramping in origin


In this variety , there is pain which dull in origin , situated at back and front without radiation , Pain start before 3- 4 prior to menses and after flow the pain reduce in its own . Common Pathology which causes increase tension in pelvic tissue are chronic infections , endometrial polyp , fibroids , Endometriosis Etc 


It is a variety in Which there is shedding of Endometrium casts at time of Menstruation.


Mostly women's are suffering from Primary Dysmenorrhoea , 50 % teenagers and 30- 40 % Mentrual Women

Amongst them only 5 - 10 % of Population suffer with incapacity to perform their daily activities .

Intelligent and sensitive Working Class Women are mostly affected .

Pain result due to increase level of Prostaglandins in menstrual Fluid

Associated symptoms are backache , Giddiness , diarrhoe , fatigue , irritability , anger .

Primary Dysmennorhoea is corrected itself after passage of time and Delivery of baby.


Blood Test

Ultra Sonography to rule out pelvic pathology .

CT scan or MRI


Endoscopy . In advance case where no obvious cause detected .


Improvement of General health and conselling is needed Regarding Menstrual cycles and as well sex practise .

For Pain NSAIDs and Antispamodic medicine is used to relieve pain .

OC pills can be used in cases of Contraception .

In Severe cases , drugs used are Prostaglandins synthetase inhibitors and Oral contraceptive pills

Surgery is also needed in some cases .


➡HOMEOPATHY is a science of medicine which is spreading rapidly and many patients are shifting from other modes of treatment to Homeopathy.  As it is safe to use and it has no side effects and it remove disease from its whole extent , suppression is never seen in Homeopathy mode of treatment .

➡In Homeopathy , remedy are selected on basis of individualality , and every remedies has it own sphere of actions on individuals .

➡Note : Self Medication is harmful , before taking any medicine consult your Homeopath first and then take . 
As we homeopath select medicine on basis of individuality not on the symptoms of disease .


Pelvic organs feels relxed , There is marked bearing down Sensation as if everthing would escape through vagina , so Patient cross limbs to avoid expulsion .
Menses too late , scanty , irregular . Violent pain associated with menses .
Pain is marked in lower abdomen , as pain is radiating from vagina to umblicus .
Patient is indifferent to those loved ones .
Irritable , offended easily . Weeps when telling symptoms
Aversion to family and Occupation .


Useful in case of Spasmodic and Congestive Dysmenorrhoea . Menses are bright red , too early , too profuse .
Menses and Lochia is offensive
Sensation as if all the internal organs protudes at genitals .
Marked dryness and heat of Vagina
Congestion of ovaries , fallopian tube,cervix etc
Sudden and violent onset is keynote of this remedy .


Have specific action on the mucous membrane of ovaries and uterus . Useful in cases of neuralgic dysmenorrhoea .
Menses too early and painful , pain at loins region and lower abdomen which is worst at left side .
Pain radiates down to anterior part of thighs .
Menses are thick almost black , Leucorrhoea at time of menses . Neuralgic dysmenorrhoea is well treated with this medicine.
Physically Patient is nervous , frightened , thin , emaciated .
In Neuralgic affection use Tincture .


Remedy used from Cramps , helpful in cases of membranous and Spasmodic dysmenorrhoea .
Menses too late , scanty , very offensive , pain radiates down to thighs .
Bearing down pain in uterine region ,
Ovaries region feels heavy and congested .
Used in tincture or lower potencies .


Women remedy and useful in cases of spasmodic dyamenorrhoea . There is marked want of tonicity of the womb .
Pain which is spasmodic in nature and severe and its radiates in all directions .
Menses and Leucorrhoea profuse .
Used in tincture form or lower potencies .


Got an Marked action on uterus and ovaries
Suited to nervous person with ovarian irritation , Useful in cases of Spasmodic and congestive Dysmenorrhoea . Pain is crampy in origin , Pain is like electric shocks here and there .
Pain is mostly situated at ovaries region and it radiates to anterior part of thigh .
Pain start immediately Before Menses .
Patient have marked fear for riding in carriage , Vision of rats and mice .


Dysmenorrhoea with profuse dark Menses
Useful in Spasmodic Dysmenorrhoea , got marked action on spasmodic affections .
Menses too early , Pain is located at Uterine region .
Leucorrhoea between the Menses which is gushing and purulent .
During Menstruation so weak so that it can barely stand or speaks .
Patient is Mood changeable , There is marked Sadness , Contradiction intolerance of , Speech is Hasty . Anxious about health of others .


Women with Heavy bleeding and of sedentary habits . Marked symptom or Characteristic Symptom of Colocynth is pain in Abdomen cause patient to bend double .
Burning pain in ovary , restlessness is marked . Useful in cases of Congestive Dysmenorrhoea .
Patient is very irritable , Anger when questioned . Anger with Indignation .

More Remedies are PULSATILLA , LACHESIS , LIL TIG , MILLEFOLIUM , many more .

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Next topic will Be Metrorrhagia and Homeopathy .

Dr Adnan Siddiqui


  1. As a homeopath my self I have to say that many women have been helped by homeopathy and should not ignore it as an alternative treatment!


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