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Trios in Homeopathy

Trios means “A set of 3  best remedies for a particular symptom or a disease condition”.  

Dr E B Nash was one of the pioneers best known for his trios. There  are 154 useful trios given below :


💦01.All gone sensation in chest- Digitalis, Phosphorous, Stannum Met 

💦02. All gone sensation in abdomen- Phosphorous, Sepia, Stannum met.

💦03. Aphasia during singing or talking- Argentum nitricum, Arum triph, Causticum.

💦04. Bed feels hard- Arnica, Baptisia, Pyrogenium.

💦05. Bites (poisoned stage) of Insects- Gentiana lutea, Ledum pal, Staphisagria.

💦06 Bites Cats of- Hepar sulph, Ledum pal, Silicea

💦07 Bites Dogs of- Chromic acid, Lachesis, Lyssin.

💦08 Bites Mad dogs of (Rabies)- Belladonna, Cantaris, Lyssin.

💦09 Bites Snakes of- Arsenic alb, Lachesis, Ledum.

💦10 Bites Spiders of- Cedron, Lachesis, Tarent cub.

💦11. Burning (in general)- Arsenicum album, Phosphorous, Sulphur.

💦12. Burning in soles- Chamomilla, Medorrhinum, Sulphur

💦13. Cathartics- Aloe soc., Croton tig, Podophyllum.

💦14. Cholera- Camphor, Cuprum met, Veratrum alb.

💦15. Chronic rheumatism- Causticum, Rhus tox, Sulphur.

💦16. Climacteric- Graphites, Lachesis, Psorinum.

💦17. Collapse stage- Arsenic alb, Camphor, Carbo veg.

💦18. Coma with renal failure- Apis mel, Cantharis, Merc cor.

💦19. Condylomata- Nitric acid, Staphisagria, Thuja

💦20. Convulsions- Causticum, Cicuta ver, Cuprum met.

💦21. Cough, Caused by least exposure of body parts to cold- Baryta carb, Hepar sulph., Rhus tox.

💦22. Cough, Drinking, amel- Causticum, Coccus cacti, Spongia.

💦23. Cough, During sleep- Chamomilla, Kali carb, Lachesis.

💦24. Cough, While eating- Kali bich, Nux vom, Thuja.

💦25. Cough, 2 A.M. aggravation- Arsenic alb, Kali ars, Kali carb.

💦26. Cough, 3 A.M. aggravation- Antim tart, Kali carb, Sambucus.

💦27. Croup cough- Aconite nap, Hepar sulph, Spongia.

💦28. Damp weather, ailments from- Dulcamara, Natrum sulph, Nux mos.

💦29. Death desire- Aurum met, Lac can, Sulphur.

💦30. Delirium- Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium.

💦31.  Diarrhoea - Aloe Soc, Gambogia, Gratiola.

💦32. Diarrhoea, morning- Aloe soc, Natrum sulph, Sulphur.

💦33. Dread of downward motion- Borax, Gelsemium, Sanicula.

💦34. Drooping of eyelids- Causticum, Gelsemium, Sepia.

💦35. Dust aggravation (in general)- Bromium, Drosera, Lyssinum.

💦36. Flatulence- Carbo veg, China, Lycopodium.

💦37. Foetid urine- Benzoic acid, Nitric acid, Sepia.

💦38. Gouty mucous discharge- Argentum nit, Hydrastis, Kali bichrom.

💦39. Haemorrhage- Erigeron, Millefolium, Trillium.

💦40. Hands upon chest during coughing- Arnica mont, Bryonia, Drosera.

💦41. Hard tumors- Calc fluor, Conium, Hecla lava.

💦42. Hopeful- Merc sol, Staphisagria, Tuberculinum.

💦43. Hyper- aesthesia- Cruelty, hearing of- Calc carb, Carcinosin, Causticum.

💦44. Hyper- aesthesia- Drugs, from- Nux vom, Pulsatilla nig, Sulphur.

💦45. Hyper- aesthesia- Fever during- Coffea cruda, Nux vom, Pulsatilla nig.

💦46. Hyper- aesthesia- Light to – Belladonna, Nux vom, Phosphorous.

💦47. Hyper- aesthesia- Music to- Natrum carb, Nux vom, Sepia.

💦48. Hyper- aesthesia- Odors to- Colchicum, Nux vom, Sepia.

💦49. Hyper- aesthesia- Pain to- Chamomilla, Coffea cruda, Hepar sulph.

💦50.Hyper- aesthesia- Taste to- China, Coffea cruda, Lycopodium.

💦51. Hyper- aesthesia- Touch to- Aconite nap, Belladonna, Lachesis.

💦52. Least touching causes violent excitement of sexual organs- Murex per, Origanum, Zincum met.

💦53. Liver diseases- Cardus mar, Chelidonium, Leptandra.

💦54. Masturbation- Bufo rana, Platina, Staphisagria.

💦55. Meningitis- Apis mel., Helleborous, Stramonium.

💦56. Nausea, Children, in- Chamomilla, Ipecac, Rheum.

💦57. Nausea, Church,in- Arsenic alb, Kali carb, Pulsatilla.

💦58. Nausea, Closing eyes, aggravates- Lachesis, Theridion, Thuja.

💦59. Nausea, Cold, after taking, aggravates- Dulcamara, Nux vomica, Ipecac.

💦60. Nausea, Cold, Becoming after- Cocculus ind, Hepar sulph, Kali carb.

💦61. Nausea, Delivery during- Cocculus ind, Ipecac, Pulsatilla.

💦62. Nausea, Disordered stomach, from- Ipecac, Nux vom, Pulsatilla.

💦63. Nausea, Drunkards,in- Arsenic alb, Kali bich, Lachesis.

💦64. Nausea, Eating after, ameliorates- Ferrum met, Kali bich, Sepia.

💦65. Nausea, Fats, after eating- Arsenic alb, Drosera, Pulsatilla.

💦66. Nausea, Food, looking at- Colchicum, Kali bich, Sulphur.

💦67. Nausea, Food, smell of- Colchicum, Ipecac, Sepia.

💦68. Nausea, Food, thought of- Cocculus ind, Colchicum, Sepia.

💦69. Nausea, Odours from- Colchicum, Phos acid, Sepia.

💦70. Offensiveness- Baptisia tinc, Merc sol, Psorinum.

💦71. Offensive breathe- Kali phos, Kreosotum, Merc sol

💦72.  Palpitation- Digitalis, Cactus, Kalmia.

💦73. Paralysis, Right sided- Causticum, Rhus tox, Thuja.

💦74. Paralysis, Left sided- Lachesis, Nux vom, Rhus tox.

💦75. Paralysis, Single parts,of- Arsenic alb, Causticum, Dulcamara.

💦76. Pneumonia, Children, of- Antim tart, Ipecac, Kali carb.

💦77.  Pneumonia, Drunkards, of- Hyoscyamus, Nux vom, Opium.

💦78. Pneumonia, First stage- Aconite nap, Bryonia alb, Sulphur.

💦79. Pneumonia, Old peoples, of- Aconite nap, Ferrum phos, Merc sol.

💦80. Poliomyelitis- Causticum, Gelsemium, Plumbum met.

💦81.  Prolapsus of uterus (sensation of)- Lilium tig, Murex per, Sepia.

💦82.  Prolapsus of rectum- Ignatia, Podophyllum, Ruta.

💦83. Profuse expectoration- Hepar sulph, Pulsatilla nig, Stannum met.

💦84 . Prostration, Cares, from- Cocculus ind, Phos acid, Picric acid.

💦85. Prostration, Coition, after- Calc carb, Sepia, Staphisagria.

💦86.  Prostration, Grief, after- Ignatia, Lecithin, Phos acid.

💦87.  Prostration, Mental exertion, from- Anacardium orient, Kali phos, Kali sulph.

💦88.  Prostration, Reading, from- Aurum met, Picric acid, Silicea.

💦89.  Prostration, Sexual excesses, after- Agnus castus, Phos acid, Picric acid.

💦90. Purulent expectoration- Kali carb, Lycopodium, Silicea.

💦91. Rattling cough- Antim tart, Hepar sulph, Ipecac.

💦92. Restlessness- Aconite nap, Ars alb, Rhus tox.

💦93. Reverse peristalsis- Nux vom, Opium, Plumbum met.

💦94.  Sensitiveness of nose from inspiration- Hepar sulph, Nux vom, Phosphorous.

💦95.  Sleepiness- Antim tart, Gelsemium, Nux mos.

💦96.  Soreness- Arnica mont, Eupatorium perf, Rhus tox.

💦97.  Spinal disorders- Cocculus ind, Nux vom, Phosphorous.

💦98. Sticky, pus discharges- Calc sulph, Graphites, Hepar sulph.

💦99 . Stitching pain- Bryonia alb, Kali carb, Natrum sulph.

💦100. Stool, during flatus- Aloe soc, Oleander, Phos acid.

💦101. Stringy expectoration- Coccus cacti, Hydrastis, Kali bich.

💦102. Stupor- Nux mos, Opium, Phosphoric acid.

💦103. Suicidal disposition- Aurum met, Natrum sulph, Psorinum.

💦104. Suppuration, on slightest injury- Hepar sulph, Merc sol, Silicea.

💦105. Sweating soles- Ammon mur, Nitric acid, Silicea.

💦106. Sweating soles, Offensive- Petroleum, Plumbum met, Silicea.

💦107 . Thirstless with dryness of mouth- Bryonia, Nux mos, Pulsatilla.

💦108.  Wandering pain, Extremities- Kali sulph, Lac can, Pulsatilla nig.

💦109.  Wandering pain, Joints- Kali bich, Lac can, Pulsatilla nig.

💦110. Warm applications, amel (in general)- Arsenic alb, Kali phos, Mag phos.

💦111. Warts- Nitric acid, Causticum, Dulcamara

💦112.  Weepiness in children- Chammomila, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla nig.

💦113.  Weepines, Night- Borax, Lycopodium, Psorinum.

💦114. Weepines, Will is not fulfilled, when- Cina, Dulcamara, Spongia.

💦115.  Whooping cough- Carbo veg, Drosera, Kali sulp.

💦116.  Climacteric  Remedies: Lachesis, Sepia, Sulphur.

💦117.   Pleurisy: Aconite, Bryonia, Sulphur.

💦118.  Offensiveness: Kreosote, Merc sol, Baptisia.

💦119.   Spasmodic Cough: Drosera, Ipecac, Cuprum met.

💦120.  Chronic Rheumatism: Causticum, Rhus tox, Sulphur.

💦121. Trio of Enlarged Uvula: Apis mel., Kali bi., Hyoscyamus.

💦122. Serous Effusion: Apis mel., Bryonia, Kali carb.

💦123.  Prostration: Carbo veg, Arsenic alb, Muriatic acid.

💦124.  Twitching and Jerking: Ignatia, Zincum met., Agaricus.

💦125.  Nymphomania: Murex, Lilium tig., Platina. 

💦126. Fidgety remedies: Kali brom (Hands), Zincum met. (Feet), Phosphorus (General).

💦127. Half Sight Remedies: Aurum met., Lithium carb, Lycopodium.

💦128. Weak Feeling in Chest: Phosphoric acid, Stannum met., Sulphur.

💦129. Thirstlessness: Apis, Aethusa, Pulsatilla.

💦130. Masturbation and Excessive venery: Nux vomica , Staphysagria , Bufo rana.

💦131. Pain: Aconite, Coffea, Chamomila.

💦132. Burns:  Arsenicum album, Phosphorous, Sulphur.

💦133. Cholera:  Arsenic alb, Camphor, Verat album.

💦134. Homoeopathic Last Aid:  Arsenic alb, Carbo v,  Muriatic acid.

💦135. Paralysis: Causticum, Rhus tox, Sepia.

💦136. Hyper- aesthesia:  Capsicum. China, Plumbum.

💦137. Warts: Causticum,  Dulcamara, Thuja.

💦138. Liver Remedies: Aur Mur, Chelidonim,  Leptandra Virginica.

💦139.  Anti-Scrofulous Remedies: Baryta Carb, Bromium, Iodium.

💦140. Antisporic – (Dr.S.Hahnemann) : Sulph; Calc carb & Lyco

💦141. Asthmatic complications – (Nash.E.B) :  Arsenicum,  Ipecac,  Natrum sulph

💦142. Brain typhus – (Nash.E.B) :  Apis mellifica; Helleborus niger and Zincum metallicum

💦143.  Burning pain – (Nash.E.B) :  Ars alb,  Phos, Sulph.  

💦144.  Cholera (Dr.S.Hahnemann) :  Camph,  Cupr, Vertrm alba.

💦145. Fluent coryza – (Nash.E.B)   Ars alb, Allium cepa, Merc s.

💦146. Glandular Remedies – (Nash.E.B):  Brom,  Carb ani, Conium.

💦147. Pneumonia – (Nash.E.B) :  Mercurius, Chelidonium and Kali carb.

💦148.  Profuse Expectoration – (Nash.E.B) :  Sanguinaria, Kali hydrod. and Stannum

💦149.  Profuse and purulent expectoration– (Nash.E.B) : Hepar sulph., Silicea and Tuberculinum. 

💦150. Masturbation and excessive venery – (Farrigton) :  Nux vomica, Sulphur,  Calcarea  c.

💦151. Spasmodic cough – (Nash.E.B) :  Drosera; Ipecec & cuprum.

💦152. Weakened constitutions – (Nash.E.B) :  Ammonium carb., Cinchona and Carbo vegetabili. 

💦153. Urging and colic – (Nash.E.B) :   Rheum; Colocynth, and jalapa. 

💦154.  Chronic Rheumatism And Paralysis – Causticum, Rhus t,  Sulphur – (Nash)



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